Why Choose Us

Our specialties include the
following sectors:


  • signals analysis
  • cryptography
  • applications development
  • cybersecurity
  • cloud solutions

Health Care

  • market feasibility
  • claims data processing
  • health economics
  • outcomes research
  • biostatistics
  • real world data evidence


  • expert witness
  • forensic epidemiology
  • evaluation & research support
  • database development
  • simulation


  • cloud development
  • whitepaper consulting
  • data science
  • predictive modeling

Past Work

A track record of excellence
with which to evaluate us...

Decision Analysis

Decision analysis model used to help large children's hospital determine best courses of actions for treating cancer patients.

Statistical Analysis

Utilized various statistical methods to better inform clients from medical, business, and legal professions.

Claims Data

Analyzed medical claims data and reported results. Programmed software in RStudio to filter irrelevant claims.

Software Development

Utilized Python, Java, R, SQL, AWS, and Google Cloud to program solutions for clients in government and medicine.

Research Publications

Datus members have several published papers in well-respected journals.

Teaching & Consulting

Datus members have taught statistics and mathematics courses at four-year universities.

Our Team

Diverse skill sets to suit your needs

Datus team members bring a variety of experiences:
-Combined thirty years of postdoctoral corporate/industrial experience
-Medical, pharmaceutical, biostatistical, and cancer research
-Government clearance and work on highly sensitive topics
-Staff contains a professional writer, an MBA, and a retired, tenured mathematics professor


While Datus team members frequent these locations, we gladly accept any projects that can be performed remotely.


Houston, TX
Memphis, TN
San Antonio, TX

Contact Numbers
(281) 773-5705
(901) 628-3190